The conflict between Israel and Palestine has caused much upheaval these past few months, especially on university campuses. From New York to California students are protesting against the war, specifically demanding that universities divest from Israel. This recent deepening and escalation of protests correlates with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (0º) trine (120º) to Pluto.

I previously wrote about this topic just as the situation was unfolding in October, 2023 shedding light on the Uranus-Pluto world transit and its correlations with mass protests:

However, as Jupiter entered into exact orb with Uranus this April, the protests increased in magnitude. A national student encampment movement began to unfold as pro-Palestinian students occupied campus grounds with tents and sleeping bags.
Jupiter is the archetype of expansion, progress, excess, and inflation. Uranus is the archetype of freedom, youth, rebellion, and disruption. When these two planetary archetypes meet, a sudden growth in youth-inspired movements can infiltrate the collective psyche. With Pluto in alignment a layer of depth is added–Pluto is the archetype of creativity, intensity, taboo, and destruction. Thus, with Pluto's involvement, movements can sometimes tilt in the direction of violence.
Interestingly, Columbia University–one university which has been at the center of this unfolding story–has a history with student encampments.

The "Liberated Zone" in 1968 was initiated by students protesting the war in Vietnam. Similarly, a liberated zone was created by current students protesting the war in Palestine. It is no coincidence that in 1968, Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto were all in alignment. In the words of Mark Twain: "history doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes."
The Uranus-Pluto trine will be in alignment until 2032, while Jupiter will leave this combination's orb in September. Perhaps there will be more protests or perhaps this energy will unfold buoyantly, inspiringly, and deeply into another dimension and valence.
If you're interested in going deeper, I shared a short history of the Israel-Palestine conflict based on the cyclical alignment between Saturn and Uranus–at the time of the terrorist attack (October 7, 2023) Saturn–Uranus were in a square (90º).