As the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to unfold painfully, many have taken to the streets to protest in support of a ceasefire. As universities in the US erupt with activism, I am reminded of previous Uranus-Pluto periods (2007-2020; 1960-1972; French Revolution) in which such energy was moving through the collective.
The archetype of Uranus symbolizes youth, liberation, and independence. While the archetype of Pluto represents empowerment, aggression, and transformation. So when these two planets come into alignment, we witness the liberation of the masses as well as radical uprisings. No doubt, we're seeing a lot of both happening right now.
I highly recommend you watch the first (free) episode of Changing of the Gods documentary which is based on Richard Tarnas' research on the Uranus-Pluto cycles. This episode will give you a feeling for why protests and activism is related to the Uranus-Pluto combination––an alignment we're all experiencing right now.