Did you catch the live stream of the Apple event on September 12th? As always, the company flawlessly weaved brilliant design and beautiful storytelling into the advertisement of its products.
Apple’s approach to simplicity and elegance in creativity has undeniably stood the test of time.
Perhaps it has something to do with its inception in 1976, which synchronistically is the exact same alignment we are in today: Saturn square Uranus.
Saturn symbolizes:
- Matter
- Past
- Tradition
- Limitation
- Structure
Uranus symbolizes:
- Energy
- Future
- Innovation
- Liberation
- Creativity
So when Saturn and Uranus come into alignment, we generally witness these themes:
- Paradigm shifts
- Structural collapses
- Practical inventiveness
- Technological and scientific advances
- Technical breakdowns
Saturn-Uranus is essentially the archetype of the engineer because it brings together physical structure and electrical energy.
Apple established itself in a cosmological climate that is known for producing paradigm shifts.
What is also interesting about Saturn-Uranus periods is the idea that:
- the past (Saturn) is seen through a new (Uranus) lens
- the future (Uranus) embraces elements of the old (Saturn)
Are you beginning to feel “Back to the Future” vibes? Well, you know what I'm going to say...it's no coincidence. The first film was released in 1985 during a Saturn-Uranus conjunction.

Saturn-Uranus loves to play with time.
So it’s no coincidence (should I stop saying it?) that despite Apple’s consistent update of high-tech iPhones, Gen Z is ironically going forward to the past by ditching their iPhones for flip phones.

“Retro,” “vintage,” and “nostalgia” are buzzwords circulating this latest trend. The relentless speed of the new (Uranus) is meeting its slow and old (Saturn) friend.
And how interesting that it is the young (Uranus) generation that is finding pleasure in the ways of the past (Saturn).