
Somya Desai

Co-founder, Chief Cosmologist & Archetypal Astrologer at Numinous Realm. Based in New York, USA. M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from CIIS.

Location New York, NY
Number of Articles 60
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Somya Desai's Work 60 Articles
Politics & Society Jupiter-Saturn: The Popularization of Conservative Thought
Jupiter-Saturn: The Popularization of Conservative Thought

Last week, a rap song titled "Facts" by artist Tom MacDonald and political commentator Ben Shapiro, hit #1 on the iTunes chart. This was significant because the tune was released independently and symbolized a victory over the authoritarian system of the music industry. Secondly, Shapiro, who is not

Feb 09, 2024
Science & Technology Smart Glasses & VR Headsets Initiating Us into the Uranus-Neptune Era
Smart Glasses & VR Headsets Initiating Us into the Uranus-Neptune Era

Meta, in partnership with Ray-Ban, released the Meta Smart Glasses in October 2023. You can take calls, play music, and livestream just by wearing these glasses. And next month, Apple will be releasing its Apple Vision Pro–a mixed reality headset. The first time VR googles entered into the cultural

Jan 12, 2024
Politics & Society Conflict in Ecuador: A Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Unraveling
Conflict in Ecuador: A Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Unraveling

Ecuador just declared a state of emergency that will last for 60 days due to an internal armed conflict between law enforcement and organized crime groups. It all began on Sunday when Adolfo Macias, the leader of the Los Choneros gang escaped from prison on January 7th. Violence erupted in

Jan 12, 2024
Jupiter-Saturn Jupiter-Pluto
Business and Finance Jupiter-Uranus Kicks in: Bitcoin ETFs Approved
Jupiter-Uranus Kicks in: Bitcoin ETFs Approved

It's the talk of the town. The SEC has officially approved Bitcoin ETFs, which means exchange traded funds can now track Bitcoin. ETFs enable folks to invest in a certain asset without directly buying it; also making it easier for Bitcoin to be traded on stock exchanges. Bitcoin’

Jan 12, 2024
Art, Fashion, & Culture The End of Casual Luxury after Uranus-Pluto?
The End of Casual Luxury after Uranus-Pluto?

Business of Fashion recently published a piece titled "Can Luxury Brands Grow in 2024?" in which the luxury market's decade-plus strategy of "casualization" comes into question. Robert Williams writes: "After over a decade of rapid growth powered by a few big opportunities like

Dec 30, 2023
Science & Technology Reverse Aging: The Play of Saturn-Uranus
Reverse Aging: The Play of Saturn-Uranus

I was recently introduced to Bryan Johnson (the world's most measured man) on my YouTube feed. In 2021, Bryan launched Project Blueprint through which he is conducting a public anti-aging experiment. Through numerous protocols, Bryan, a 45-year-old man is now measured to be living in the body of

Dec 30, 2023
Science & Technology Cybertruck's Saturn-Pluto Story
Cybertruck's Saturn-Pluto Story

After a couple of years of delay, Tesla has finally released its Cybertruck from production. Customers are now able to purchase and drive this futuristic vehicle around town. When the concept was first introduced in 2019, we were in the midst of the Saturn-Uranus-Pluto world transit. Uranus relates to technology

Dec 15, 2023
Saturn-Uranus Saturn-Pluto Uranus-Pluto
Politics & Society The Zeitgeist to Come
The Zeitgeist to Come

I have shared my archetypal prediction for 2024 in previous issues of The Deep Now, mainly honing into the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (peak experiences, quantum leaps, and potential crashes from a mighty high). Today, I'd like to take it further and share my archetypal prediction for the years to

Dec 15, 2023
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