Update: October 30, 2024
Okay, this is the last update since the election is now less than a week away.
With an unfolding investigation into Kamala Harris' background, spearheaded by Candace Owens, the strength of Harris' candidacy is now under scrutiny. Here is just one video from Candace's series on Kamala Harris:
If Candace's findings are true, and Harris does win the election then the Saturn-Neptune energy will be at its height. Synchronistically, Candace Owens was born during the previous Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1989, so it is fitting that she is uncovering this story which may have to do with deception (Neptune) of ancestry (Saturn). An interesting side note: Candace has a mug on her table that writes "Conspiracy Theorist" which in itself brilliantly captures a valence of Saturn-Neptune. You can read more about this notion here:

As for the Uranus-Pluto energy, historically this archetypal combination has coincided with mass liberation movements, however, it has also coincided with communist movements such as the Cultural Revolution in China in the 60s. So there is the heightened potential for such energies to manifest. Candace's findings seem to indicate that Harris is tilting toward the latter valence of Uranus-Pluto, along with the archetypal energy of the women's rights movement (see previous update below).
As for Trump, many on the right feel there is a sense of unity among Republicans. With popular independent candidate RFK Jr. (born during a Saturn-Neptune conjunction) joining Trump's team. Thus, here we can see a valence of Saturn-Neptune unfolding–softening the divide. So while Trump is not born with a strong Saturn-Neptune alignment, he and his team seem to be embracing the qualities of the transit.
Trump also recently joined famous podcaster Joe Rogan on his show. This may be the first election in which podcast shows are being treated as equally, or perhaps with even more importance than mainstream media outlets such as CNN and Fox News. In this trend we can see qualities of Uranus-Pluto unfolding, with its theme of empowering the masses, the underdogs, and going against the establishment. So again, while Trump is not born with a strong Uranus-Pluto alignment, he and his fans seem to be embracing certain valences of it.
If Kamala Harris wins: Saturn-Neptune energy may unfold with skepticism and distrust in the system (especially since she was not actually voted into her candidacy, as well as the unfolding investigation into her ancestry). For archetypal context, Nixon's Watergate scandal occurred in 1972 under a Saturn-Neptune opposition. As for the Uranus-Pluto energy, it will most likely be felt through the historic moment of Harris becoming the first woman president of the U.S.
If Trump wins: Saturn-Neptune energy may be felt through a sense of unity in the party, especially among Republicans. However, for the left, a similar feeling of grief may be felt when Trump won the election in 2016 (Saturn-Neptune square). As for the Uranus-Pluto energy, there may be an uprising against his candidacy, and/or perhaps a renewed sense of democracy and the empowerment of the masses.
These are just my opinions, through the discernment of my archetypal eye.
Update: October 9, 2024
This will most likely be the last update as the election is less than a month away.
When I first wrote this article in November of 2023, I was only focusing on the Saturn-Neptune conjunction (2024–2027) as I felt that was going to be the main alignment dominating this presidential cycle because it is in a hard aspect (conjunction) thus indicating the most significant energy. However, along with several other softer alignments, there is the long Uranus-Pluto trine unfolding (2021–2032). So perhaps we can consider the energy of this transit along with the Saturn-Neptune alignment. For clarity's sake, here are the current outer-planetary transits:
- Saturn-Neptune conjunction (until 2027)
- Uranus-Neptune sextile (until 2029)
- Uranus-Pluto trine (until 2032)
- Neptune-Pluto sextile (until 2037–this is a long and subtle transit which has been unfolding since 1943)
And of course, there will be other transits unfolding in 2025 but we're not going to look at that right now.
Next I'll list the major outer-planetary alignments that each candidate was born under.
Kamala Harris (born 1964):
- Saturn-Uranus opposition
- Saturn-Neptune square (during the sunset of the transit)
- Uranus-Pluto conjunction
- Neptune-Pluto sextile
Donald Trump (born 1946)
- Saturn-Neptune sextile (right before the 6º orb of influence)
- Saturn-Pluto conjunction
- Uranus-Neptune trine
- Uranus-Pluto sextile (during the sunset of the transit)
- Neptune-Pluto sextile
As indicated below, the previous four presidents won the election under a similar (major) transit that they themselves were born under. So let's take a look at how Harris and Trump synchronize with the archetypal moment.
Kamal Harris:
- Born during the tail end of a major Saturn-Neptune square, coinciding with the current Saturn-Neptune conjunction.
- Born during the major Uranus-Pluto conjunction, coinciding with the current Uranus-Pluto trine.
Donald Trump:
- Born right before a Saturn-Neptune sextile, coinciding with the current Saturn-Neptune conjunction.
- Born during a Uranus-Neptune trine, coinciding with the current Uranus-Neptune sextile.
- Born during the tail end of a Uranus-Pluto sextile, coinciding with the current Uranus-Pluto trine.
Trump became president just as the major Saturn-Pluto conjunction was about to begin (2018–2021), and synchronistically he was born under a Saturn-Pluto conjunction. This is the most defining outer-planetary transit in his birth chart. The next major Saturn-Pluto alignment will begin in 2027.
For Harris, the most defining outer-planetary transit in her birth chart is the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 60s. So I want to hone into this aspect a little more.
The last Uranus-Pluto transit before the current trine was the square from 2007–2020. Majority of this cycle was dominated by Barrack Obama who like Kamala Harris was born under the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 60s.
If you're interested to understand more about the Uranus-Pluto cycle, I recommend watching this first free episode of the Changing of the Gods series:
In short, Uranus-Pluto periods in history often coincide with liberation movements, especially in regard to marginalized groups. So in the 60s we had the Civil Rights Movement, in which the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were achieved–a big win for the African American community. This thread continued in the next major Uranus-Pluto alignment (2007–2020) when the first black president took office.
If we look further back, the last time Uranus and Pluto were in a similar alignment as today–in a trine–that was from 1917–1926 during which the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting women the right to vote in the United States. This was a major victory for the women's rights movement.
So that's a little bit of the energy in the air right now. The thread of women's rights movement may continue during this Uranus-Pluto transit as we may witness America's first woman president, and that too, a woman from a mixed racial (historically marginalized) background.
Trump was also born under a Uranus-Pluto alignment, however, it was at the very tail end of a Uranus-Pluto sextile. The energy of the sextile is more subtle and shorter than the conjunction. The sextile that unfolded from 1942–1946 coincided with the end of WWII.
Then we have the shorter but quite potent Saturn-Neptune conjunction unfolding until 2027. Saturn-Neptune transits coincide with periods of disillusionment and/or practical idealism. The last major Saturn-Neptune alignment (square) was during 2014–2017, toward the end of Obama's presidency and the beginning of Trump's presidency. Trump was born right before a Saturn-Neptune sextile in 1946, while Harris was born at the tail end of a Saturn-Neptune square (1961–1964). One could feel the energy of grief when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, which also then unleashed a wave of conspiracy theories and a loss of faith in government. Synchronistically, JFK was born under a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1917.
My sense is this kind of energy will be deeply felt in the collective for the next couple of years. This election will trigger a skepticism of the system. Whether it's Trump or Harris, there will be a feeling of grief and loss. However, with the Uranus-Pluto energy, there will be revolution in the air as well.
While it seems as though Harris was born with stronger archetypal energies that match the alignments unfolding today, it may very well be the fact that Trump is equipped to harness the energy and create a lot of momentum. This is the nature of archetypal psychology–it's multivalent. There is no way to concretely predict.
So with that, I am no longer predicting but rather guessing, according to one strategy: matching the birth chart of a candidate to the current world transits unfolding. And so according to that system, I am guessing that Kamala Harris will win the election. This is mainly because: 1) Uranus-Pluto transits have coincided with women's rights movements/empowering historically marginalized groups; and 2) Saturn-Neptune transits coincide with a "loss of faith" and the fact that she was not officially elected to be the democratic candidate by voters is and may create skepticism of government.
Update: July 22, 2024
Adding Kamala Harris to this list since she was born at the tail end of a Saturn-Neptune square in 1964. She’s also the only candidate (as of now) who was born in the 60s during a Uranus-Pluto alignment. So she checks off two transits that are currently unfolding (Saturn-Neptune conjunction until 2027 and Uranus-Pluto trine until 2032).
Update: November 16th, 2023:
My initial prediction did not include Independent candidates, but interestingly RFK Jr. (1954) and Cornell West (1953) were born under the same Saturn-Neptune alignment. So I'm adding them to the list of possibilities.
Last Tuesday was Election Day in the U.S. which means we're getting closer to the 2024 Presidential election.
I was curious to see if I could predict the next presidential candidate by mapping the major world transit we'll all be experiencing in 2024 (Saturn-Neptune) to the natal chart of current candidates.
So I began by researching the birth charts of previous U.S. presidents, and I noticed that each president was born with the same outer-planetary configuration as the major world transit during that time. Let's take a look at the past few presidents, including the current one:
BIDEN: Born in 1942 during a Saturn-Uranus conjunction, and becomes president in 2021 under a Saturn-Uranus square.
TRUMP: Born in 1946 during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and becomes president in 2017 just a little bit prior to the major Saturn-Pluto conjunction which began in 2018.
OBAMA: Born in 1961 during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, and becomes president in 2008 under the Uranus-Pluto square.
BUSH: Like Trump, born in 1946 during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and becomes president in 2001 under a Saturn-Pluto opposition.
It seems our collective psyche resonates with leaders who archetypally carry the energies of the moment––whether good or bad.
So with that, I'm going to take a chance here and engage in some predictive work.
The next major astrological transit which all of humanity will be embedded within is the Saturn-Neptune alignment from 2024 to 2027. Saturn-Neptune can express itself as: practical idealism, moral nobility, disenchanted realism, and/or spiritual emptiness. We will all be in this archetypal realm together––witnessing it on the geopolitical stage, as well as experiencing it in our personal lives.
So if we're using history as a guiding tool, then these are the current candidates who were born with a Saturn-Neptune alignment:
Donald Trump (1946––Saturn-Neptune sextile)
Chris Christie (1962––Saturn-Neptune square)
Ron DeSantis (1978––Saturn-Neptune square)
Nikki Haley (1972––Saturn-Neptune opposition)
Ryan Binkley (1967––Saturn-Neptune trine)
Tim Scott (1965––Saturn-Neptune trine)
Joe Biden (1942––Saturn-Neptune trine)
Marianne Williamson (1952––Saturn-Neptune conjunction)
I'm going to take it a little further and suggest that those who were born with a soft aspect (trines and sextiles) may not make it through due to the fact that this Saturn-Neptune transit is in a hard aspect (conjunction).
So that leaves us with:
Chris Christie
Ron DeSantis
Nikki Haley
Marianne Williamson